I love working with and helping others to learn how to work with Animal Spirit Guides. So, I thought that it would be fun to share some of the ways that I do that, as well as to share my cards with you.
I use 2 decks when I work with animal spirit guides, there are many, many different and wonderful decks out there, but the ones that are near and dear to my heart are the Power Animal Oracle Cards by Steven Farmer or Medicine Cards
by Jamie Sams & David Carson. The cards help me to focus and receive guidance for what I need to know for the day.
I will be doing DAILY postings on my NEW Facebook Fan Page, and then doing WEEKLY postings HERE of the cards that I choose, and then sharing them with you.
So going to BOTH of my sites will help you get more familiar with working with and learning about these fantastic decks. You can also post here what YOU think the animal cards mean to you. The more people bringing in their perceptions, the more meanings we can discover and see how one animals can mean so many different things.
Let’s get started!
This Week’s Medicine Card….Badger
What does this card mean to me? Badgers are known to be aggressive. I feel that this card means going after what you want with abandon, but don’t lose your head in the aggressiveness of what you are doing. If you do, you will not see what is right in front of you.
Or I feel it could also mean that you need to find a softer approach to what is desired, that backing off and allowing things to happen is just as powerful as going after it.
So…What does Badger mean to YOU?
Next week I will pick from Dr. Steven Farmer’s amazing Power Animal Oracle Card Deck
Badger……immediately I thought “strength and independence.” To me, Badger means “Dig in and don’t back down. Be true to who you are. You don’t need anyone else to tell you what to do.” I’m being “tested” by someone right now and Badger is telling me to growl and stand my ground!!! Thank you, Badger!!
Hi Karleen,
The MOST fun thing about working with these cards, is that each person perceptions and interpretations are different.
And becasue of this one person will see something about that animal that the other did not.
Dig in! that is marvelous
I enjoyed readings interpretation, and it does SO fit for badger! Thanks for sharing it.