First Interview on Coast To Coast AM: The Animal Dynamics

Coryelle discussed her communications with a multitude of creatures and the six types of personalities she has cataloged among them. “Animals touch our hearts because they are pure unconditional love,” she said. “They are what I call Christ-like consciousness,” she added, and that is why they can give us constant love and acceptance. Through her longtime work with pets and animals, she learned how they fit into various core temperaments. By understanding which category an animal falls into, she noted that humans can adapt their interactions with them accordingly and potentially eliminate or reduce unwanted behaviors.

Listen to the show on the Coast to Coast AM.

If you want to contact Coryelle to find out more about her work please go to her contact page.

Aired: Tuesday – December 14th, 2021

If you’re interested in interviewing Coryelle, please email her PR person.

2 Replies to “First Interview on Coast To Coast AM: The Animal Dynamics”

  1. Hi Coryelle,
    I heard you on Coast on 5-2-22. Great interview. A caller asked about seizures and you said to clear the house. You said you have a link to a posting about how to clear correctly. Can you send me the link. My precious Maltese (Maddie – 14 years old) has mild seizures and I need to help her. She’s my best friend. Just like the caller, the vet doesn’t have any answers.
    Thank you

  2. Hi Victor, Thank you so much for letting me know that you enjoyed the show, that means a lot. Here is the link to the post I did on smudging I’m so sorry to hear that your sweet Maddie is having seizures. I hope that clearing the space in your home helps them to subside. If they don’t, please reach out to me again by contacting me through the contact page on the site. I truly think that my healing modality as well as my Animal Dynamic® techniques may be able to help Maddie recover. I’ve worked with quite a few of animals who have had physical issues where their veterinarians were unable to find the cause of the ailments and through working with them I brought that back to health.

    Below are 2 videos on how I work and the results that I have achieved.
    This is on my healing work:

    and this one is an animal clients actual story:

    I wish you and Maddie all the very best.

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