Animal Spirit Guides: Interpreting Their Messages For Each Other

Recently, I had the pleasure of teaching a 4-week workshop entitled “Discovering Your Animal Spirit Guides, A Journey Within”
For me it was an absolutely fantastic experience. The energy from the students, the questions, the discoveries that we shared over the 4 weeks became better and better as the workshop progressed.
To see you (my students) becoming more and more comfortable and opened to your guides was a gift that I will never forget.

Many of my students told me that you were sad that the workshop had to end, because they had looked forward to the camaraderie and sharing of each other experiences and encounters. They had been sharing with me your encounters and dreams and I think that it is time that they were shared like we did in the workshop.

I THOUGHT that this post should be only for my students in the class, but then I had an idea… Why not put up a post where everyone can come and write about encounters, dreams, and perceived messages from their Animal Spirit Guides. After all the saying is “The More the Merrier!” This post will be for the students of my Spirit Guide Workshop and for YOU, the public,  to come and share all of  your wonderful dreams, experiences and encounters with Animal Spirit Guides.

A Bouncing Off Place… This is also a place to bounce ideas and thoughts about what a message, encounter, or dream might mean for someone else who has left it here to be thought upon.  It can also be a place where you the public can leave your encounter and my students can come and give you their insights into what they think your animal spirit guide encounter might mean.

It is such an amazing feeling to find a group of people and be able to talk, and share about this marvelous world and the extraordinary Animal Guides that teach us all so much,  if we just open ourselves to it.

So to the public and to my students I hope that this is something that you will enjoy doing and using,

now … let’s get to sharing
Mitakuye Oyasin (Sioux for “We are all one”)
Coryelle Kramer
Animal Communicator

photo of Animal Spirit Guide, Guide can be found here