Coryelle’s Interview For Natural Awakenings Magazine

I was asked to be the June 2019 practitioner of the month for Natural Awakenings a health magazine known throughout the country.

They weren’t able to print the full interview so here it is.

1).  What services do you provide your clients?

Oh, I have many hats LOL, my services includes Animal Communications both for animals living and who have passed on) & Intuitive Communications (including tarot card readings), Energetic Healing & Flower Essence Consultations for both people and animals, Soul Piece Paintings, which are when I intuitively paint a client’s animal’s soul, and I teach clinics in both animal and intuitive connection. All of my services can be either in person or through long distance phone consults.

2).  How did you get started?

I’ve been doing it since I was a child, it feels like these abilities have always been with me. I began to do it professionally however over 2 decades ago, it was when I felt drawn to reconnecting to this work to assist the world, it’s people and it’s animals to assist them to have better lives through gaining clarity, healing and connection.

3).  Have you studied formally?  If so, what training left the greatest impression? 

Yes, although I mentioned earlier that I’ve been living with these abilities all my life, I felt it was important during my professional journey to train in some of my modalities formally. I hold certifications as a Bach Flower Essence Therapist,  Animal Communicator, Reiki Master and Professional Tarot Reader and Psychic Medium from Lilydale in NY.  What training left the greatest impression? I truly have so many to choose from but, I choose when I became a Reiki Master, it was a few weeks after 9/11, and I was being taught by someone who lived close by, after my attunement to Master, I was pulled to walk near the site of the towers (you could get pretty close then. It was my first time seeing the site live and raised my hands and began sending healing and I remember feeling SO grateful for my training to Reiki Master because it meant I could send healing light to place that had suffered so much horrific tragedy. 

4). What is the basis of your approach with clients?

It’s Respect. No matter if I speak with an animal or read for a human, I treat them both with respect, compassion and empathy. Animals have taught me so much, and I respect them greatly, I never talk to them without their permission nor do I heal them without it either. For human’s it’s respecting their journey in life and wherever they are in it. It’s never my place to judge, simply read and talk to that person or animal to assist them all on three journeys in life.

5).  What elements of the work frustrate you?  What elements bring you the greatest joy?

I don’t believe in doing anything unless it feels good to me when I do it, so nothing in my life purpose frustrates me, if someone doesn’t take my guidance that’s none of my business maybe they were meant to hear the message and do the guidance today or tomorrow, or maybe never, I give the messages, what’s done after that is not for me to say.  Talking to the Animals and learning how they see life gives me great joy, most of what I know about the metaphysical world and life in general, I learned from my talks with animals.

6).  What do you want your clients to know about you and your work?

Being honest and professional is paramount to me. I always give them in all my consultations, it’s my job to give you the messages that I receive as clearly as honestly as possible, my client’s may not always get the answers that they want to hear, but I promise that they receive the answers that they need to. It’s also important that stay as neutral as possible when I do my readings, this doesn’t mean that I don’t care deeply for my clients or their animals, it’s simply means that in order to obtain the profound things that I do from both the Animals and Divine that I don’t get bogged down with becoming attached to the answers I give. I think because of this, my love for what I do in this world shows up in what I do as a Professional Intuitive.

Coryelle follows a code of ethics that she herself create, read it here.