Janet N. Florida

Hi Coryelle,

You and your gifts have been a blessing in all our lives.  While I appreciate the work for minor behavior problems, I am most grateful for the insight into making all of my gang’s lives better. The energetic shadow healing was amazing, especially for Kai and Trubel.  Their breed (Mudi) is so quirky. They tend to get inside their own heads and create chaos. I love the Reiki massages and Animal Dynamic touches you taught me to do on the dogs. I loved learning about each Dynamic personality so I can make and create things to enhance their lives.  Tulip, the African Grey, and her back scratcher to pet her (because she will rip my hand apart if I touch her) was brilliant.  Dory the duck wanting more hugs. Who know ducks love hugs. It has become our evening ritual when she comes in from outside.  Your insights into their health have been most beneficial as well.  Then there is the final event.  I am so grateful that I could say my last goodbyes to Paco, Daphne, Chloe.

Here are some of my favorite conversations with my gang through Coryelle:  When Kai was about 10, she started putting on weight that she didn’t need.  She always had a fast metabolism and ate a lot of food (about 4 cups a day).  We tested her thyroid along with a full blood panel and that was Ok, so we had to reduce the number of calories.  That ended up being half of what she used to eat.  About 6 months later she had lost most of the extra weight.  I asked her how she was feeling.  She said so much better (begrudgingly).  Kai loves her food and does not like being a restricted calorie diet.  Paco in his last conversation with me before his transition:  “I have a confession to make: “I kind of have a crush on you (not in a creepy way)”.  Daphne after transition: ” I had the best life a duck could have.”  Ryder:  Took him, Kai and Trubel to Orlando for a dog show.  Ryder can be reactive with other dogs so I have to be careful.  He was wonderful all day I was trying to make sure he knew that when he abruptly cut me off to say “I really liked all the people who told me how beautiful I am.” 

Forever grateful that you are in our lives,

The Nagorski gang.