Solving Pet Behavior Problems Can Be As Easy As ABC



In my previous post “The Animal Alphabet Game“, I showed you how going through the alphabet and choosing pleasing words to describe your pet, can be a fun & easy way to begin your journey with Animal Communication.
In THIS post I will show you how using that same Alphabet game can be a powerful tool to help both you and your animal friends overcome behavioral issues.

First let me say that behavioral issues can sometimes be a sign of a MUCH more serious problem with your pets, and you should let your Vet know immediately about any that your animal friend might be exhibiting.
Once your Vet has determined that the cause of the behavior is not medical, and your animals are in good physical health, you can use this game to help both them and you, hopefully alleviate the behavior and restore balance in this challenging time.
So let’s get started

Behavioral Issues…It’s NOT Personal

Now some of you might be saying “Coryelle have you gone squirrelly!?, My dog is eating my slippers and then barfing on the couch” or “My cat is scratching my brand new furniture to pieces” or maybe “My bird is constantly screeching when I’m on the phone” “What the HECK do you mean it’s NOT personal!?”

Well, It’s not.
It may feel like it is but it’s not. Your animal friend is not doing the behavior because you’re a terrible pet mom or dad (unless you’re a severe abuser which NONE of you reading MY post are!) they’re not “out to get you” or have vendetta’s, nor do they hate you.

Many times they are doing the behavior to try to make you aware of something else, and to them it is the only way they can get their point across.
Imagine trying to let your family or friends know how you felt about something but you could not fully relay to them what it was and they couldn’t fully understand what you needed. You would be kind of frustrated right? It doesn’t make your family, friends bad or less lovable because of it, but it just makes that situation a little more frustrating.

Your animals are not coming from the mindset of doing anything TO YOU to get back at you, they’re coming from the mindset of just doing the action to try to tell you something.
So taking, what I call the “Personal Factor” out of the behavior is an important first step in helping find the cause of the negative behavior.
Here’s an example:
Let’s say that you just bought a brand new rug it’s beautiful and it looks great! Once day you come home to find that your cat Mr. Sweet Cheeks (name changed to protect the innocent) has peed on your nice, new rug.
Your first reaction would probably be something like”….
“Mr. Sweetcheeks look what you did to my nice new rug! How could you DO this to me?!” Now that’s a natural reaction to that situation,
but notice how do you FEEL when you say it?
Pretty awful right? Your stomach is all in knots and your chest gets tight, and you feel the hurt and anger just building up and up.
Now take that same scenario, but instead you pause a moment and say something like this. “Ok Mr. Sweet cheeks peed on the rug, well cats sometimes do that ok, it’s not a huge deal, rugs can be cleaned, I know that my cat loves me, and that it’s nothing more than Mr. Sweet cheeks obviously letting me know something. So let’s see if we can’t find out what it is”.
Do you FEEL the difference in the two sentences? The lines of openness remain open and flowing. You took the “Personal Factor” away, which keeps you from hearing or relaying anything from or to your animal companion. Now why is that important? It’s all about vibrations

Good Vibrations!

I’m going to say something that you probably never heard before when dealing with pet problems…Vibrations & expectations play an MAJOR role in both positive and negative behaviors.
Animals are very good at feeling and reading vibrations. Which makes them extremely in tune with the word around them. From the food they eat, to the place they sleep, to the water they drink, to the thoughts they think… everything has a vibrational energy about it. That goes for you, their person too. Their natural state of mind is the belief of love and wellbeing that is assured to all. This is why they can give us that wonderful unconditional love we all talk so much about. They have no doubts, like we do in the Universe (Source, God), and because of that their expectations about life are for the most part naturally happy, content, and good. They know that when you expect good things, good things happen if you expect negative things then negative things happen. So it’s important that when dealing with behavioral issues, you do anything to change the vibration of the situation to something more positive, and it begins by taking the “Personal Factor” out of it.

Taking Your Power Back

Whenever you deal with something unwanted with your pets, whether it’s peeing on the rug, pulling out feathers, illness, snarling, growling, or yowling. It can be a very power-LESS feeling situation, which brings up frustration and worry, which once again brings you back to taking it personal. THIS is where the Alphabet game comes in; it’s a powerful tool that will enable you to make the power-FUL decision to consciously change your vibration and expectation of your pet. When you do, you can then try using mediation CD to find the possible reason for the behavior, and hopefully stop it before it goes on for too long or to help stop it entirely no matter how long it has been going on. This is what I mean by taking your power back so that you can keep from feeling hopeless and helpless.

A, B, C The Animal Alphabet Game

You want to find words that make you only think good thoughts and feel good things about your animal friend. Avoiding words that remind you of the negative behavior or that don’t make you feel good.
If you do say a word that does feel right simply go back to the last word that you said that did.
Starting with the letter “A” think of a positive, happy or fun word that you associate with your animal friend for the letter “A”.
You don’t need think up a lot of words for the letters, chose 1 or 2 but notice how you FEEL and what your mind is doing when you do this process. The more often you do it, the most positive your vibration and expectations about the negative behavior be resolved becomes.
For example:
If you have an ACTIVE dog and the word “Active” is a happy good feeling word gathering up images of your happy animal friends running around or playing with their toys or playing with the kids. Then that’s a good word to use. Or maybe the word “Allowing” (animals are very allowing), would be a good choice.
It doesn’t matter what the word is as long as when YOU think about it, it makes YOU feel good.

Then go to “B” maybe “Ball” is a good word (My cat Sam LOVES to play with his plastic bell ball and I just love to watch him do it),
Maybe the word “Bark” (again ONLY if this word brings up good images for you and not act as a reminder about the behavioral issue) an animal’s bark can be cute and a way a calling “come play with me” or a bark can conjure up an image of your animal protecting and loving you.

Then move on to the letter “C” and so on until you either feel like you have raised up the vibration of the situation enough, or till you’ve gotten to the letter “Z”, and then you can start again at the beginning.

Final Words

Behavioral issues can be a very challenging time for both you and your pets. Remember it’s called the Alphabet GAME, so be easy about it and have fun with it…and if you might very well find out that you can’t help your pet fully and need additional help from an animal communicator, or even trainer. That’s ok you you’ve raised up the vibration of the situation enough to see that solution more clearly, MUCH more so than if you were in the opposite frame of mind. You’ll be going into the next phase feeling more empowered, taking it much less personal, which better for you and your pet.

Good luck! and please keep me posted by sharing your experiences or if you have questions post them right here.

2 Replies to “Solving Pet Behavior Problems Can Be As Easy As ABC”

  1. The very common behavioral problem is the eating slipper kind. Its very common among puppies. I think the smart ones are good in doing such things. Definitely gonna try the alphabet tactics. Thanks again. Another problem I’ve with my puppy( gsd) is crawling all the way in the house.whenever I try to take him out, he simply crawls infront of me ( lol) .

  2. Hi JDT,
    You’re right the compulsive behavior of chewing things can be a problem if it’s not nipped in the bud right away, and just like babies putting things in their mouths so do baby animals.
    So a combo of training and using the alphabet game is a powerful tool to help both person and pet get over the unwanted behavior quicker.
    As far as your puppy not not wanting to go outside, I would try flower essences and training for that issue. The flower essences I would start with are Mimulus for specific fear and possibly Larch
    for confidence. the training would be something along the lines of taking the favorite toy and either throwing it outside or standing outside with it to try to coax him (or her) out. This should be attempted after the pup has been on the bach flowers for a couple of days. If there is no change after a week, I would then suggest that you might want to do a animal communication session to find out the real reason behind the behavior.
    Hope this helped you and your pup

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